Eyeliner stains ruining your makeup?- Follow my steps


Why don’t we discuss about one of the major challenge’s makeup artists can relate with on this episode? You know that moment you are creating a flawless look and you’r quite impressed with yourself but BOOM! you notice the eyeliner already stained your perfectly blended eyeshadow or the flawless skin-work you achieved🤧. There’s a trick for that, you are not alone even professionals experience this once in a while, on their side they know an immediate solution which I will reveal today (no secrets while I am here).  What people do wrongly is try to rub it off immediately,  trust me that only worsens the case and would smear your perfect makeup, you don’t want to to that Do you? While some take the high way to clean and start over again😥, No!.....Do not do that either.
What should you do🤷🏽‍♀️?............Next time such happens which I pray it never does 😅....but if unfortunately it happens you should simply follow these few steps of mine.

1. DO NOT TOUCH🚫 - The best thing you can do at that moment is to completely ignore and act like it’s not there at all, you can continue whatever it is you were/are doing at that moment ,i.e continue your work. Do not touch at that moment.

 2. WAIT FOR IT TO DRY ⏰- If you were able to pull off first step successfully , I welcome you aboard, you did the right thing and you’r one of the few who have patience and perseverance, just as easy as rule 1 sounds it isn’t as easy because during that time you’r panicking and frustrated at the same time. All you want is get rid of it immediately. Let’s go ahead , while doing whatever you were still doing try to notice when it completely dries up. If completely dried then we move to the next step.

3. PEEL IT OFF🍃-  Carefully with light pressure use a spooling brush to dust it off , be it an eyeliner stain on the shadow or a mascara stain on the skin.

4. REPLACE WHAT YOU TOOK OFF💅🏽-  Queen I am proud you got to this stage. In the process of brushing off stain you also might have brushed little of your eyeshadow/foundation or  powder. Now you simply replace the little that was taken off with mild pressure. And there you go, magic has been performed and it definitely would look like nothing ever happened because it didn’t 😉.

Now straighten up your crown queens cause it only tilted. Good luck and do not say I didn’t do anything for you. You can thank me in the comment section. XOXO.



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